Since 2006, the Patton Preemies have been raising money for the March of Dimes. Every year we talk about how we need to be more proactive in planning fundraising events. One of the things on My List is to plan my very own fundraising event. So thi
s year I made the commitment to make sure no matter what my event was on. After thinking about it awhile, I had the brilliant idea to host the 1st Annual Mr. Preemies Pageant. Exciting, I know! The idea was to have all the men I know put on a silly man’s pageant to raise money for MOD. After a couple weeks of planning, I had selected a date and a venue. Unfortunately for me and my event, no one seemed to share my enthusiasm. Little did I know how much people take themselves too seriously. After my idea being put down a handful of times, I decided it just wasn’t worth it. SO- it was back to the drawing board. With time running out, I settled on hosting a fundraising dinner at my home. Some of the other team members had done this before and were very successful so I knew mine should be as well. I stressed a little hard about having 21 ½ people in my tiny house but it worked out great in the end. We raised a whopping $390 from one small dinner. It wasn’t quite what I had hoped for in terms of my extravagant fundraising ideas but I can at least put a small checkmark next to it on My List.