Well, it feels good to break through the first 10 and on to 11 although I’m definitely losing steam! One Saturday afternoon in April, Kelly and I were lounging around the house being unproductive and bored. It seemed like a great opportunity to check one off the list. The kind of opportunities that are fewer and further between once you start a family. We loaded up the car for an overnight stay and headed out to nowhere in particular. We made a quick stop on the way out of a town at QT to stock up on some road trip snacks: Twizzlers, sunflower seeds and 32 ounce drinks. We drove in multiple directions for awhile, mostly east, and then made our first stop in Chouteau, Oklahoma for some Amish jerky, cheese tasting, and yogurt nibs. We saw some funny signs and stopped to pose with a few monuments along the way.
Another one off the list! After Kelly’s grandma made us this insanely good but labor intensive lasagna a few years ago, I knew I wanted to tackle a Martha Stewart recipe. I came across one for Yankee Pot Roast. It sounded really good and gave me the opportunity to make my very first roast. Something about making a roast just feels very 1950’s housewife. I was looking forward to it and it gave me the chance to use my Dutch oven Lydia had gotten me for Christmas a couple of years ago. I took my time and slowly followed the recipe. After about an hour, it was all prepared for its three hour “roast” in the oven. I decided to invite family over feeling not right about Kelly and I tackling it on our own. It was huge success and we only ended up with enough leftovers for me to take to work for lunch the next day. If only I could share the smell! Buon Appetito!