Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Another one off the list! After Kelly’s grandma made us this insanely good but labor intensive lasagna a few years ago, I knew I wanted to tackle a Martha Stewart recipe. I came across one for Yankee Pot Roast. It sounded really good and gave me the opportunity to make my very first roast. Something about making a roast just feels very 1950’s housewife. I was looking forward to it and it gave me the chance to use my Dutch oven Lydia had gotten me for Christmas a couple of years ago. I took my time and slowly followed the recipe. After about an hour, it was all prepared for its three hour “roast” in the oven. I decided to invite family over feeling not right about Kelly and I tackling it on our own. It was huge success and we only ended up with enough leftovers for me to take to work for lunch the next day. If only I could share the smell! Buon Appetito!

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